Book Of Psalms (NASB)
Rose Publishing / 2014 / Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9781628620832
This is a resource for all philosophical thinkers! Having access to the book of Psalms is something that I take for granted in my work as a chaplain and counsellor. Within its pages one can find encouragement in times of trial, solace when facing tragedy and much more.
Generations of Christians and non-Christians have found meaning reading through its pages. There is scarcely a situation that we encounter in life that does not have a parallel within the Psalms. It is a book that is theologically rich, covering themes such as; who am I and why do I exist? Sin and Forgiveness, hope amongst despair, righteousness, trust, thanksgiving and more.
There are examples for us to follow on how to pray when seeking guidance, looking for refuge or seeking peace. It teaches us about the nature of God(Judge, Redeemer, Creator, Merciful carer)
A low cost product such as this is suitable to be left or handed out in places such as hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, on the street or any ware people with physical, spiritual or emotional needs come together. I would encourage people to carry these in their pockets, for we never know when we might have a divine appointment.
Enjoy. Trevor.